Rotary Club of West Point-Highland Falls, NY

Meetings are held 7:30 a.m. Thursdays at Hotel Thayer

July 21, 2005


Today’s Greeter – Mike Moss

Today’s Prayer Bearer – Rick Metro

Today’s Program – Business Meeting


Rotary Last Week, July 14th

Kevin Anderson, USMA Athletic Director

Mr. Kevin Anderson, West Point’s 26th Director of Intercollegiate Athletics. This follows his stint as the Exec. Assoc. Dir. For External Affairs at Oregon State, where his duties were numerous, including overseeing Oregon State’s highly successful football & men’s basketball programs. He becomes the first African American to hold the position of Athletic Director at USMA. Mr. Anderson’s resume is quite extensive & impressive. One of his goals is seven (7) wins, which will enable the football team to participate in a bowl! We wish him all the best!


URGENT : Jack Emmer’s retirement! – Event Fri. 7/22 at the Kimsey Ctr., S. end of Michie stadium. Make Res. ASAP!

Buddy Blackman – See Buddy if you know of a non-Rotarian interested in participating in one of Rotary International’s group study programs.

August 28th 6 pm – Gus Fishburne’s boat trip awaits us. No, it isn’t on the “Bounty”, so we shouldn’t experience a mutiny! Plan for our annual boat ride at West Point.

Spread the word to other clubs!

The Holy Innocents Church thrift shop will be operating every Thurs. 10 am to 1 pm. 

The Holy Innocents food pantry, 2nd & 4th Wednesday of month.

Sacred Heart Thrift Shop open 10am – 2pm; (4:30 Thursdays.)


Jerry Sheehan’s Pushcart – Jerry says:                     

 “July moves along, and so does the rent,

    So please buy a shoit or I’ll live in a tent!”


Other Clubs’ Activities

New Windsor/Cornwall Club – Sept. 18. A picnic at Air Nat’l Guard Base, Stewart Airport. (They’re looking for participants.)

The Washingtonville-Blooming Grove club’s new meeting place is the Bull’s Head Inn, 120 Sarah Wells Trail, Campbell Hall. For directions: 

The Rotary Club of Highland, NY  is sponsoring the Hudson Valley Rib Festival & Barbecue contest on Aug. 19, 20 & 21 at The Ulster Cty. Campgrounds, New Paltz, NY.

(I’m not ribbing you!)

Warwick Valley Club announced at the President’s meeting that they’d spearhead a Dist. 7210 Intl. Project in the amount of $70,000, to replace a hospital roof in Granada, damaged by hurricane Ivan.



Tony Galu – Guest of Dave Weyant


50/50 Drawing – July 14th, $189.00

Cathy Kelly picked the Joker!   (She also Won the honor of supplying a new deck!)

(The pot reaches the abysmal level of ‘0’.)





Brags (July 14th)

Dave Monroe, Phil Brillante, Mike Moss, Deb Zadalis, Josh Brewer, Jim Donnelly, Farrell Patrick, Curt Brewer, Rick Metro, Shirley Bonsell, Harold Spaeth, Bill Stone, Roy Spells, Dave Weyant, Kent Cassella, Don Sagaria, Kate Squicciarini, Tony Galu


Upcoming Programs

July 28 – Literacy Volunteers of America


Upcoming Prayer Bearers

July 28 – Cathy Kelly

August 4 –Todd Browne

August 11 – Brian Crawford

August 18 – Mike Herman


July 14 Attendance -27 = 53%

June monthly percentage = 50.6

Send comments or quesitons to:

©2002, Rotary Club of West Point-Highland Falls, NY


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